What is Company ID?

What is Company ID?

The company ID is the unique identifier for every organization within the SmartMDM ecosystem. It enables the system to tag a device to the actual organization it belongs.

The ID is generated automatically for an organization upon successful signup. It is 8 characters long and a combination of alphanumeric characters. It enables an IT admin to onboard their devices in their ecosystem.

Tagging your Device

The ID should be entered on the Company ID page on the device as shown in the image below.

Fig: 1 - Company ID page on the device



  1. If the wrong ID is entered, the user will not be able to log into the device.

  2. The ID is case sensitive as such should be entered carefully

  3. The ID gives users access to your devices as such, it should only be shared with authorized users

  4. If a device is factory reset, the user will be required to enter the ID to be able to login on the device

If you have further questions or need help through this process, contact SmartMDM support at support@smartmdm.app

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