Creating an Account on SmartMDM

Creating an Account on SmartMDM

To fully access the SmartMDM solution & all its functionalities, an organization is required to first create an account on web.smartmdm.app.

Upon successfully filling out the details of the signup form, a unique Company ID is generated for the organization to enable them onboard their devices with ease.

Upon successfully creating an account, an activation email is sent to users by default to enable them activate their new SmartMDM account. Sometimes, some users don’t get the email and this could be as a result of either of the following factors;

  • The email was delivered in the spam folder. (Users are advised to check their spam folder for an email with the subject - SmartMDM - Activate your account)

  • The organization’s corporate firewall - (If your organization has certain restrictions that prevent third-party users from sending emails to your email account, it could prevent you from getting the activation email. In this case, users are advised to reach out to their organization’s security team for support)

  • Wrong email provided - In this case, the user is able to re-enter their email address.

Regardless of whether the account creation was successful, if the account is not activated, an IT admin will be unable to Login to their account.

Only domain emails e.g: test@emaildomain.com or test@emaildomain.org or test@emaildomain.inc etc. are accepted. Emails such as Yahoomail, gmails, outlook or hotmails & disposable email domains are not accepted.

Upon successfully creating your and activating your account, you are expected to login to your account and begin onboarding your devices.


If you have further questions, contact SmartMDM support on support@smartmdm.app

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