Adding a new app

Adding a new app

Every organization has an application bank. The Application Bank as the name implies simply holds the organization’s authorized apps. There are 3 options available to an organization if they require to add an application to their ecosystem.

  • Adding an application via Apk file upload

  • Adding an application via the apps download link

  • Adding an application via the google play store.

Adding an Application via Apk file upload

This option can be used if you have the app file on your computer. The step is highlighted below;

  1. Login to your SmartMDM admin portal, and navigate to the “Manage Applications” module. At the top right of the page, select the “Add New App” option. (see image below)

Fig. 1 - Add a new app

Upon clicking the “Add new app” button, a page containing a simple form is displayed. This form will enable an IT admin to add the details of the application to be added on the platform. (see image below)

2. Fill out the “New app details” form.

Fig. 2 - New app details form.

There are key sections to note when adding a new app.

  1. Device OS Version - This field enables you to add the OS versions that the app supports and can efficiently run on.

  2. The “App Upload Options” - There are 3 options here -

    1. Upload an app file - In this case, the IT admin probably already has the apk file on their computer. They can easily attach it from there.

    2. App download link - If the app is hosted on a particular website or somewhere else and you have the correct download link to the app, you can add the download link on the “app download link field.

    3. Upload from playstore. Here, with the applications ID, you can add an app that exists on the playstore.

  3. App Version - This is the version of the app to be added e.g v1.0.0

  4. Select Groups - At the point of adding a new app, the IT admin can decide the group of devices to add an application to. You can either select all groups (if the app is to be used by all the users within your ecosystem), or select a particular group (if the app is to be used by a particular group). This means that all your users will get the new app added by default as soon as they successfully install the SmartMDM app.

  5. App ID - The App ID is the unique identifier for every app. It can be gotten easily. For applications on the Google playstore, follow the steps below;

    1. Navigate to Android Apps on Google Play

    2. Search for the app of your choice

    3. The app ID is usually added as part of the app URL on your browser after the equal sign. e.g https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.seamfix.bioregistra In this case, the app ID is com.seamfix.bioregistra. (see the url on Fig. 3 below)

Fig. 3 - Search for an app on the play store.

If you have further questions or need help through this process, contact SmartMDM support at support@smartmdm.app



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