User Management
User manage is a cumulation of the under listed activities.
Create users - Agent, Admin, Dealers
Edit a user - Agent, Dealers
Create a User-device relationship
Deactivate user
Single User Creation
To add a user on the platform, follow these steps:
Select “Add User”
The admin is able to create a single user as well as users in bulk using the bulk user creation template. An admin is also able to perform bulk “activation/deactivation”, “Bulk password reset” and “Bulk user update”.
Fig. 1 - User creation
2. Fill out user creation form
Fig. 2 - Fill out the user creation form.
3. Select the “Actions” icon
An admin view information about a specific user by clicking on the “actions” button. Among actions that can be performed include; “View details, Deactivate, Reset Password, Activation History”
Fig. 3 - View Actions/options
4. View user details
User details can be edited. see Fig. 5
Fig. 4 - View User details
5. Edit user details
Fig. 5 - Edit user details
Bulk user Creation
Fig. 6 - Bulk user creation template
7. Upload the filled out template (as shown in Fig. 6) with the correct details and upload see Fig. 7
Fig. 7 - Upload the filled out template
8. View the result of the uploaded filled out template see Fig. 8
Fig. 8 - Bulk user creation result
Reset Password
Fig. 9 - New password sent
10. Email with new password
Fig.11 - Email with a password to allow a user reset their password